
Probity is evidence of ethical behaviour in a particular process. Demonstrating probity means more than just avoiding corrupt or dishonest conduct. It involves proactively demonstrating that any procurement process is robust and the outcome beyond reproach. Probity requires acting such a way that there can be no perception of bias, influence or lack of integrity. This requires ethical conduct that exceeds the legal requirements. 

To this end probity within procurement should not be a last minute add on but must be integrated into all stages of the procurement process.


Broadly, the objectives of probity in procurement are to:

  • ensure accountability, transparency and integrity, and preserve confidence in the process
  • facilitate a value for money outcome
  • minimise potential risks of conflicts of interest, fraud and corruption.

How probity helps achieve value for money

To help achieve value for money, competition between suppliers must be maximised so that suppliers are willing to put forward their best possible offer. To enable this, it is important that suppliers have confidence that the procurement process is robust and beyond reproach.

Prospective suppliers may be deterred from putting their best offer forward, or may not make an offer at all, if they perceive that the procurement process is being conducted improperly.